I find it rather amusing...
Alright... I'll be fair. I have created both sprite and animation tweened movies, and spoken at length and in detail about the methods of correctly doing each one with experienced animators such as Legendary Frog and Misteroo here, and seeking to one day make an animated series myself that wouldn't be disgraceful to this server, see what I can learn.
Admittedly, as you seem so fond of doing, you're going to click my profile and see the horribly obsolete year-old animutation I made when I was first using flash and stupidly decided to submit to Newgrounds, and then use that as a self-praising merit to discredit anything and everything I have to say, because obviously your logical premesis are always correct, and mine are always false. As you say yourself in your profile, you try for full fairness in all your reviews! Which means you might have to boot up the two dust-choked brain cells in the lifeless void that is your head when you wake up and realize that almost everyone with more than half a brain this side of newgrounds is throwing you criticisms left and right. Why? The reason is quite simple.
Now, through my experiences with animation, I have come to a very plausible conclusion. Sprite-based movies are extremely easy to make. Yes, I've actually done this -- with more complex animation sequences and behaviors, might I add (walking/stopping, turning, along a 2-dimensional plane instead of a 1-dimensional foreground) in 3 minutes. Now, you have multiple endings, so I'll grant you... maybe 10 minutes. 20 minutes of your day absolute max, if you honestly know how to use the software you are working with.
The use of Black Mage and Mega Man are only to coast off of the severe popularity of their respective webcomics and relate it to your effortless movie. Tell me -- if I were to grade this movie fairly, exactly as you BEG users to in your own profile, would it not be fairest to compeltely ignore who the characters are and what popular franchises or works they were formerly associated with and view the movie ONLY for the actual quality level and effort put into it?
Yes. So let's analyze this.
-Sprites moving around a screen in a 2-D environment.
-Sprites that you didn't make, might I add.
-With a total of four blows exchanged before the simply 'genius' choose-your-own-ending scenario.
-With terrible music.
If 2 stick figures were moving around, hit eachother four times, and then died one of 3 ways, said movie would be blown sky high. I only think it's fair to scale the work by its effort and quality.
So, when are you going to respond telling me that you're always right because my crappy obsolete movie sucks? That obviously makes you right. Come on, I'm waiting.